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Founder and History

Learn about our Beloved Founder and church history.

In Loving Memory

Bishop Veronica E. Watson


"Her Ministry was to equip us to reign through Christ Jesus..."

The Founder

The Making of an Apostle
This is Her Story...



​On October 23, 2022, Bethesda honored the Lord for 37 years of faithful service by His servant – the Founder, the Apostle, and Bishop, our Pastor, Veronica E. Watson. Bishop Veronica E. Watson, lead faithfully under the leadership and Ministry of the Holy Spirit; and is always delighted to be in His Majesty’s service.

Her Ministry was to equip us to reign through Christ Jesus and take our rightful place on earth and within the Kingdom of God! Thank you, Bishop Watson!

Bishop Watson departed from this earth on the 27th of October, 2022. Left behind her memories to be cherished by her immediate family, Lloyd and Yvonne Watson and
family, John and Shirley Watson and family, Norma Yvonne Watson-Barrett and family, the Bethesda...
This is Her Story




In 1984 the Lord spoke to, now Bishop Veronica E. Watson, through a prophet of God at a conference she attended. He spoke concerning the church that was within her spiritual womb. The prophet said that God would deliver and establish the church and that right early! The prophet spoke concerning the intercessors that God had placed in other states to intercede until the church was safely birthed and established. The nations were given to her. She was told never to establish the ministry on the sound of a choir or the gifts of the Spirit only, but on the sure word of prophecy which is the word of God.


Within two years, then Evangelist Watson, was called and sent by God to plant the United Fellowship Church. The church consisted of the 12 saints that gathered in Evangelist Watson's home for bible-study. In 1985, Evangelist Watson was installed as Pastor and Founder by the Great Founding Father, Sage, and Chief Apostle, the late Bishop Monroe R. Saunders Sr. The United Fellowship Church of the Lord Jesus Christ established services at White Oak Junior High School with the motto, "that they also may be one" (John 17:21).


In 1987, at the word of the Lord, the church relocated from White Oak Junior High School to an abandoned school building. The school building was formally a part of the Bullis Military School on Houston Street, in Silver Spring Maryland. Pastor Watson and the saints worked with immense zeal to transform the building into a beautiful edifice. After two years of renovation, the Lord instructed Pastor Watson to relocate. He told her to "take the people to the Methodist warehouse" and gave her the date and time for the strategic move.


While the search was in progress for this new place, the church met in a Takoma Park hotel. There was such a peace in this place; it will always be remembered as "Fair Havens". God continued to empower Veronica to preach, teach and bring healing to the masses; many were baptized and filled with the Holy Ghost.


​In 1989 Pastor Watson had finally spotted what God called "The Methodist warehouse", a church with a space used as a food pantry. However, it was not available at that time. Nevertheless, God had a ram in the thicket. He opened the door for the church to worship at its sister church in the United Methodist building on Bunker Hill Road in Mt. Rainier, Maryland. The Lord added to the Church daily as it pleased Him.


In 1989, the church's name was changed to Bethesda International Church of the Lord Jesus Christ Inc. In April of 1993, the door was finally opened for Bethesda to move into the "Methodist warehouse" on Tilden Street in Brentwood, Maryland. The word of the Lord, as prophesied to His servant, had come to pass!


In the winter of 1994, while at Tilden Street, the Bethesda Bible School of Faith and Wisdom was established. Also in this year, the church's logo and motto changed. In the winter of 1997, the Bethesda television broadcast ministry began with the production and cable casting of "The Word of Life-The Truth". Additionally, in 1997, two ministries came under Pastor Veronica Watson's covering: one in Nottingham, England and the other, New Directions Outreach Ministry, located in Atlanta, Georgia.


In a night vision, the Lord spoke to Pastor Watson saying "the congregation was going on a long desert journey,covered with snow on the way." He told her "it would be a lonely journey" and that she was to "cloak them in scarlet, for hitherto they have not been this way before." Bethesda was instructed, "to stay in the ship." In 2001, as the Lord continued to direct Veronica's steps, Bethesda International relocated to Wheaton High School, in Wheaton Maryland.


In a night vision, Bishop Watson was instructed by the Lord to "turn right onto New Hampshire Avenue, then right onto Spencerville Road." He said He had "given her eight acres of land" and for her to "build on the forefront of the property." He told her she would meet a man who would take her to the eight acres of land that He had promised her. Just as the Lord spoke it in the vision, it occurred in the natural! Bishop Watson met the real estate agent and owner of the property. Bethesda International Church started a fund to obtain a pre-fabricated building from General Steel in Colorado. Bethesda has been instructed by the Lord to "get the building out of Colorado."


On June 21, 2015, God in His faithfulness and wisdom, moved suddenly opening the door to Rockville High School auditorium. In early 2017, through another strategic move, the Lord began feeding His flock at Solomon's Porch in Potomac, Maryland. As He prepares us for our final destination on Spencerville Road in Burtonsville, Maryland, we are responsive to His leading. God continues to show his faithfulness to Bethesda International Church of the Lord Jesus Christ Inc., as we are given only the finest of the wheat week after week. We are taught how to correctly divide the word. Bishop Veronica E. Watson labors tirelessly and lovingly to see
Christ formed in us.

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